DMCA Policy

1. Overview

Logopundit respects the intellectual property rights of other parties and demands that its users do the same. It is Logopundit policy to respond to clear-cut accusations of alleged copyright infringement in compliance with the relevant intellectual property laws and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).

2. Notification of Infringement

Please email our copyright team at [email protected] if you believe that any of your intellectual property that is available on the Logopundit website has been copied in a way that violates copyright.

The following details need to be included in your written notice:

a. A signature, either physical or digital, from a someone with the authority to represent the owner of the allegedly infringed exclusive right.

b. Locate the allegedly infringed copyrighted work, or if there are multiple copyrighted works, provide a single notice with a list of those works on our website.

c. Details that are reasonably sufficient for us to get in touch with the person who filed the complaint, like their address, phone number, and, if it’s accessible, email address.

3. Reaction to Copyright Notifications

Upon receiving a legitimate report of infringement, Logopundit will promptly remove or disable access to the allegedly infringing content and inform the impacted user of the action that has been taken. Additionally, Logopundit has the right to terminate the accounts of repeat infringers.